EC2U Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-being
The EC2U GLADE Virtual Institute will develop specific approaches in education, research, innovation and service transfer to the community in the long run.
GLADE will be the headquarters for:
- EC2U GLADE Literacy LAB and education for all in the area of good health and wellbeing;
- EC2U GLADE Transformative Research HUB;
- EC2U GLADE Management Service for a Healthy Campus and Online peer counselling LAB for students.
- LIFELINE master programme
The European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U) is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual Alliance consisting of seven long-standing, education- and research-led, locally and globally engaged universities from four diverse regions of the European Union: the University of Coimbra (Portugal), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), the University of Jena (Germany), the University of Pavia (Italy), the University of Poitiers (France-Coordinator), the University of Salamanca (Spain) and the University of Turku (Finland).
It represents a community of 160 000 students and 20 000 staff, in direct reach to more than 1 600 000 citizens.
The Alliance’s ambition is to develop an innovative space allowing mobility to flow freely between the seven universities and associated cities. This model of openness will contribute to overcome clichéd views of regional and national identities and achieve a united and stronger Europe.
Work Package Leader: Daniela Șoitu (University of Iasi)
- University of Poitiers Representative: Clency Perrine
- University of Coimbra Representative: Ana Paula Santana, Ricardo Almendra
- University of Jena Representative: Julia Hoppe, Ruediger Trimpop
- University of Pavia Representative: Rossella Nappi
- University of Salamanca Representative: Marina Holgado Madruga, José Manuel Muñoz Félix
- University of Turku Representative: Sari Stenholm
Policy Coordinator: Associate Prof. Dr. Iulian Damian, Vice-Rector, University of Iasi
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Daniela Soitu, University of Iasi
Administrative Coordinator: Dr. Petronela Spiridon, International Relations Office, University of Iasi
Through the EC2U GLADE Literacy LAB activities, we will develop the contexts and curricula of training for prevention in health and promotion of well-being for all in the universities and in the cities.
The curricula will be framed around:
- preventive approaches in health (meanings, forms, expectations, resources, results);
- social determinants of health (endogenous and exogenous factors, individual and social),
- meanings, forms and practices of well-being (physical, mental, social, emotional, workplace, societal),
- a healthy and active lifestyle and ageing process.
– GLADE Conference – „Mental Health and Well-being in Campus” (3 December 2021)
– GLADE Seminar – « Mirrors of Good Health and Well-being for all » (2 February 2022)
– GLADE half-day conferences (March – October 2022):
- Gender and Ageing:
- Well-being and Healthy Ageing:
- Health promotion:
- Social Determinants of health. Healthy Cities:
- Healthy Campus:
- Cancer – prevention, prognosis, treatment:
- Brain Ageing:
- Digital health:
« Transgenerational Aging & Gendered Life-Cycle Approach” Summer School
The European alliance project “European Campus for City Universities” – EC2U is organizing the 2nd summer school focused on Good Health and Well-Being (UNSDG #4), which will take place at the University of Pavia (Italy) from the 18th to 25th of September.
The “Transgenerational Aging & Gendered Life-Cycle Approach” Summer School will gather students, professors and experts of the sector from the 7 Universities partners of the EC2U multicultural and multilingual alliance.
The Summer School is a continuation of the first edition, which took place at the University of Iasi (Romania), and will give students the opportunity to explore and learn how to live and age in a new, fun, and healthy way through ground-breaking workshops and lectures, team building and sports activities.
Who can apply?
Students from each of the universities of the EC2U Alliance, interested in the thematics of the Summer School and willing to interact with others in a multicultural environment.
Students should have a good knowledge of English and familiarity with at least one of the following areas:
- Biology
- Anatomy Physiology
- Psychology
- Nutrition
- Sport
- Physical Therapy
- Community/Public Health,
- Mental Health
- Reproductive and Sexual Health
- Geriatric Health
3 ECTS credits upon successfully passing the final evaluation and according to national regulations.
Travel and subsistence will be entirely granted by EC2U funds, according to the local Universities’ rules.
Courses held at the second EC2U Summer School from Pavia :
- Health is a fundamental right -lecture
- From active ageing to healthy ageing
- Regenerative Medicine: where do we stand? (1)
- Regenerative Medicine: where do we stand? (2)
- Nutrition in the elderly
- Why do life-course never forget? Your best friends towards long run well-being and healthy life
- Nutrition and sportive activities in young generations
- Physical activities for senior ladies
- Sekletal Muscle Plasticity
- Gendered Life-Cycle Approach in practice
- Ice-breaking. Who is who?
- Transgenerational Ageing
- Tips & tricks for healthy longevity: down to practice
The 2023 edition of the EC2U Summer School will be hosted by University of Jena.
Smart Ageing and Healthy Life – EC2U Summer School
Course descriptions:
- Activity care plans for seniors (presentation)
- Does integrated care mean less hospitalizations (presentation)
- Dynamic activities with integrative-recreative purposes
- First aid (presentation)
- Functional assessment of the elderly (presentation)
- Hackathon
- Promoting physical activity with wearables (presentation)
- Respiratory management (presentation)
- Self massage techniques
- Smart ageing (presentation)
- Towards personalized physical activity programs (presentation)
- Uncertainty in times of COVID-19 pandemic (presentation)
The 2022 EC2U Summer School will be organized by the University of Pavia, and the 2023 edition will be hosted by University of Jena.
By means of the EC2U GLADE transformative research HUB, we will produce: studies, guidelines, public papers and policy papers on Good Health and Well Being, starting from exploratory and transformative research.
The participants will form flexible and mixed teams consisting of: Master students in Good Health and Well Being, PH.D. students in areas of Good Health and Well Being and related areas, Postgraduates, early career investigators, research and teaching staff, administrative staff from universities, academia and public authorities.
GLADE Seminar – „Mirrors of Good Health and Well-being for all” (2 February 2022)
- Presentation of the GLADE Virtual Institute – prof.dr. Daniela Soitu
- Brain_ageing – prof.dr. Luc Pellerin
- Social determinants of Health. Healthy Cities – prof.dr. Paula Santana
- Healthy_Campus – prof.dr. Ruedeger Trimpop
- Gender and Ageing- prof dr. Rossella Napi
- Cancer (prevention, prognosis, treatment) – prof.dr. Marina Holgado
- Health Promotion – prof.dr. Sari Stenholm
- Well-being and Healthy Ageing -Prof.dr. Alin Andries
- Well-being and Healthy Ageing -Lect Iulian Dumitru
- Well-being and Healthy Ageing Cornelia Mairean
- Digital Health – prof Christine Fernandez-Maloigne
The aim of the GLADE Service for a Healthy Campus Management is to promote a healthy climate in the 7 universities, a healthy lifestyle among employee, stress management and a good motivation for academic performance of students.
The online GLADE counseling lab for students of all ages will be framed around existing counseling services for students at the EC2U partners, with two components:
– Trainings of staff (existing specialists in actual Counseling services) for a continuously improving approach of Good Health and Well Being
– Training of students in order to offer peer counseling. The services will be addressed mainly to students during their international mobility in the EC2U universities.
– A hackathon for co-creating intergenerational and intercultural innovations for a healthy university and well-being campuses in the cities will be held during the first summer school.
The online GLADE Counselling lab for students of all ages brings together all support services additionally developed by the International relations offices for students during their mobility – incoming and outgoing – and existing counselling services for students in the EC2U partners’ universities, with the very new Peer Counselling support.
The online GLADE Counselling lab for students of all ages will be addressed mainly to students during their international mobility in the EC2U universities for a continuously improving approach of their Good Health and Well Being.
Peer counselling questionnaire for students
Handbook LIFELINE master programme
The professional Master’s programme in Lifelong Well-Being and Healthy Ageing aims to form the knowledge, skills, responsibilities and autonomy, professional competences necessary to the specialists in the field of social work and of interdisciplinary approaches concerning lifelong well-being and healthy ageing.
The programme is anchored in an interdisciplinary learning environment and meets the specific requirements and necessities of the labour market concerning the field of social work and of interdisciplinary approaches of social work, health, welfare, lifelong well-being and healthy ageing.
- Interdisciplinary approaches of Lifelong Well-Being and Healthy Ageing
- Multiple Diplomas from EC2U Universities
- Possibility of studying two semesters abroad
- Master thesis in cotutelle
- Personalized lego-like curriculum
Admission requirements – LIFELINE