Exchange students (non-Erasmus) & Free Movers
Short-term mobilities for study, training or research, hosted at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC) within the framework of its inter-institutional bilateral agreements (exchange students) or those of free movers are undertaken in accordance with the priorities set into place for the development of the institution’s international cooperation scheme.
Exchange students and free movers are non-degree seeking students and, upon finalizing their mobilities, they shall return to their home university, for the completion of their studies.
Reception of inbound exchange students and free movers shall be organized in accordance with the applicable national legislation and the UAIC operational internal regulations in force, concerning the financial conditions for the reception of international students.
An exchange student within the framework of an academic partnership is a student enrolled in an accredited higher education institution from abroad with which UAIC has an operational bilateral agreement or from a member institution in a multiple partnership (Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, CUMRU) and who is interested in carrying out a study, training or research mobility at UAIC.
Exchange students are exempted from paying tuition fees at UAIC, unless otherwise decided within a specific cooperation agreement.
Application form
In order to obtain the approval of the mobility:
- letter of nomination issued by the home university;
- Application form;
- partial Transcript of Records for the degree programme where the student is currently enrolled;
- copies of the diplomas/certificates for the completed academic studies (MA and PhD students);
- letter of recommendation from the academic advisor at the home university (PhD students only).
Before the start of the mobility, accepted candidates will submit:
- signed Learning Agreement (mobility for studies or training);
- signed Academic Mobility Protocol (mobility for research);
- pre-acceptance from an academic coordinator in UAIC (PhD students only);
- certificate of language proficiency.
In view of being issued the letter of acceptance to studies by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research (MER), students who are citizens of non-EU/EFTA countries are required to send the following documents:
- ME’s application form for the issuance of the acceptance to studies, duly filled in, including photos;
- certificates of studies – High School Graduation Diploma (Baccalaureate), Graduation Diploma (University Degree) for BA and/or MA studies, as the case may be;
- academic transcripts / diploma supplements for the diplomas/certificates for the completed studies;
- birth certificate;
- passport – copy of the personal details page, photo included; passport’s validity must exceed a minimum of 6 months since the registered date of MER’s letter of acceptance;
- medical certificate (issued in an internationally spoken language), stating that the student is not suffering from infectious diseases or other illnesses incompatible with the future profession;
- marriage certificate, or any other document certifying a change of name, if applicable.
- copy of the document certifying the permanent residence in the home country;
(copies of documents in English/French, respectively authorized translations in English of documents in other languages along with a copy of the original).
A free mover (fee-paying student) is a student enrolled in an accredited higher education institution from abroad with which UAC has no academic partnership and who is interested in carrying out a study, training or research mobility at UAIC.
Tuition fees – Free Movers
Application form
In order to obtain the approval of the mobility:
- Application form;
- partial Transcript of Records for the degree programme where the student is currently enrolled;
- copies of the diplomas/certificates for the completed academic studies (MA and PhD students);
- letter of recommendation from the academic advisor at the home university (PhD students only).
Before the start of the mobility, accepted candidates will submit:
- signed Learning Agreement (mobility for studies or training);
- signed Academic Mobility Protocol (mobility for research);
- pre-acceptance from an academic coordinator in UAIC (PhD students only);
- certificate of language proficiency.
In view of being issued the letter of acceptance to studies by the Romanian Ministry of Education (ME), students who are citizens of non-EU/EFTA countries are required to send the following documents:
- ME’s application form for the issuance of the acceptance to studies, duly filled in, including photos;
- certificates of studies – High School Graduation Diploma (Baccalaureate), Graduation Diploma (University Degree) for BA and/or MA studies, as the case may be;
- academic transcripts / diploma supplements for the diplomas/certificates for the completed studies;
- birth certificate;
- passport – copy of the personal details page, photo included; passport’s validity must exceed a minimum of 6 months since the registered date of MER’s letter of acceptance;
- medical certificate (issued in an internationally spoken language), stating that the student is not suffering from infectious diseases or other illnesses incompatible with the future profession;
- marriage certificate, or any other document certifying a change of name, if applicable.
- copy of the document certifying the permanent residence in the home country;
(copies of documents in English/French, respectively authorized translations in English of documents in other languages along with a copy of the original).
General eligibility criteria: In order for an applicant to be eligible for a mobility as an exchange student or as a free mover at UAIC, (s)he must be enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking student in an accredited higher education institution from abroad.
For a mobility during the 1st Semester: August 1st
For a mobility during the 2nd Semester: December 1st
Nominations are to be sent by the home university by email to: at least 2 weeks prior the application deadline.
The duration of a study mobility covers the period of the module / semester / academic year (examination session included), during which the student is temporarily enrolled at UAIC. The duration of a study mobility shall not exceed one academic year.
The duration of a training or a research mobility is established upon prior consultation with the student’s home university, as well as host faculty/department, and shall not exceed one academic year. This type of mobility can be undertaken throughout the duration of an academic year, as approved by UAIC’s faculty hosting the inbound student.
1st semester (Fall): beginning of October – end of January
2nd semester (Spring): mid-February – mid-June
Required documents:
- copy of the signed Learning Agreement // Academic mobility protocol
- copy of the passport/national ID and of the visa (applicable only for non-EU students)
- updated copy of the Transcript of Records from the home university.
- two passport-sized photos
The Romanian grading scale runs from 1 to 10 and the marks have the following meanings: 1-4 fail, 5-6 sufficient, 7 satisfactory, 8 good, 9 very good, 10 excellent.
Recommended ECTS grades:
- 1-4 = F
- 5-6 = E
- 7 = D
- 8 = C
- 9 = B
- 10 = A
The total number of ECTS credits for one semester is 30 (thirty) and for one academic year is 60 (sixty).
What is the Bologna Process?
The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental higher education reform process that includes 48 European countries aimed at enhancing the quality and recognition of European higher education systems and improving the conditions for exchange and collaboration within Europe, as well as internationally.
The three priorities of the Bologna process are:
- introduction of the three cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate)
- quality assurance
- recognition of qualifications and periods of study
Promotion of student mobility and diploma recognition in Europe are possible mainly due to the use of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
ECTS credits are allocated to all educational components / disciplines of a study programme (including course units, modules, placements, dissertation work, etc.) based on the allocation of 60 credits per full-time academic year, according to the estimated workload required to achieve the defined learning outcomes for each component.
In our university, disciplines taught within an undergraduate study programme are awarded between 4 and 6 ECTS credits, while disciplines of a Master study programme are awarded between 5 and 10 ECTS credits. One ECTS credit is equal to 25 hours of student work (including contact hours, independent or guided study, practical/specialised training).
More general information on ECTS available at:
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic year, academic education in Romania is structured on 3 study levels:
Bachelor Studies lasting 3 years (except for the specializations Law, Technological Physics Geological Engineering, Pastoral Orthodox Theology and Pastoral Catholic Theology)
Master Studies lasting 2 years
Doctoral Studies lasting 3 years
More info on the Bologna Process at European level available at:
All students registered at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University can have access to the University libraries and to other libraries in Iasi.
The Central University Library (Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Mihai Eminescu”)
4 Pacurari Street,, tel. 0040-232-264245, e-mail:
Access to the library services is possible based on the entrance permit (which is also valid for the library branches). Permits can be obtained from the Permits Office, the Central Library building, ground floor. Necessary documents:
- student card or certificate
- ID card
- a small-size photo.
Central University Library branches
- Biology: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 1st floor, room B-459; e-mail:, tel.: 201473
- Physics and Chemistry: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A ground floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201151
- Geography and Geology: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 3rd floor; e-mail: * Computer Science: 16 General Berthelot Str., Building C ground floor; e-mail:
- Mathematics: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B ground floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201561
- “Al. Myller” Mathematical Seminary: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A; e-mail:
- Law: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A 2nd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201159
- History: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A 2nd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201157
- Letters: 14 Codrescu Str. (Codrescu Campus); tel. 116600
- Economical Sciences: 16 General Berthelot Str., Building C 3rd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201452
- The on-line library of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 1st floor, room 401
- Philosophy: 11 Lapusneanu Str. (near Casa Studentilor); tel.: 201155
- Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education and Sport: 3 Toma Cozma Str., Building D ground floor; tel.: 201127
- Orthodox Theology: 9 Closca Str., Building T ground floor
Other libraries in Iasi
- Romanian Academy Library: 8 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 267584
- Gheorghe Asachi Public Library of Iasi: 4 Palat Str., tel./fax: 212773
- French Cultural Centre: 26 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 267637, fax: 211026
- British Council: 4 Pacurari Str., tel./fax: 316159
- German Cultural Centre: 21 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 214051
ACCESS TO INTERNET in the C5 student residence
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is an EDUROAM enabled location (a roaming service used in most of the universities from EU countries, but also outside the EU). International students from universities who already have access to EDUROAM should connect to the EDUROAM guest network available in the C5 residence and use the password they have previously set in order to connect. This way, they will get easy access to WiFi (EDUROAM authentication is automatic).
International students who DO NOT use EDUROAM should follow the steps described in our university’s internal registration procedure.
Please click here to see the connection steps.
Given that being granted access may take around 24 hours, you may want to start the registration process before your arrival in Iasi. The network configuration step is to be done only after your actual arrival in the C5 residence.
Please note that, throughout their visit at UAIC, all our guests (students, researchers and staff alike) are compelled to use the university’s logistics and infrastructure for educational purposes exclusively, in accordance with our applicable internal procedures.
In Gaudeamus Centre for International Exchanges, free-of-charge internet connection can be provided in each room.
Almost all faculties have computer rooms, where students can have free-of-charge access to Internet. It is possible to use these computers only based on the student card, which proves that the student is registered at the respective faculty.
Total cost estimated per month in Euro: 400 Euro, so as to cover:
- On-campus accommodation: from ≈90 euros/month (C5 Residence, Titu Maiorescu Campus) to ≈130 euros /month (Gaudeamus Residence, Codrescu Campus)
- Meals: ≈150 euros/month (for lunch and dinner at the student cafeteria where the student can benefit from a 50% discount based on the UAIC student ID card).
- Local transportation: 20 euros/month
- Books and stationery: 50 euros/month
Location: Titu Maiorescu Campus, C8 Hostel, room 1
Phone: +40 232 20 1324
Medical assistance is ensured by:
Dr. Paraschiva Gâscă – Family Medicine
Consultation schedule:
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Dr. Carmen Cărare – General Medicine
Consultation schedule:
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Services offered to students may include:
- medical consultations and therapy:
- preventive medicine
- curative medicine
- signing and stamping medical documents:
- medical certificates
- medical certificates for scholarships
- medical certificates for suspension of studies
- family planning and counseling:
- contraceptive counseling
- special case counseling
- special case counseling
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University has its own Sports Centre (volley-ball, gymnastics, basketball, handball, fitness) and outdoor sport grounds (handball, basketball, football): 3 Toma Cozma Str., Building D of the University, underground floor.
There are also many possibilities in the city to do sport activities (aerobics, swimming, sauna, massage, fitness private clubs, skiing on Copou Hill in winter time, etc.).
What to do in Iasi?
Find out here!
“…Forever the traveller and the wanderer, I always found Iaşi to be a restful place to stop by (…). I remember its cheerfulness as being entirely intellectual, presided over by the icon of my literary friends, gathered in debates and readings (…). A day spent in Iaşi was for me a discreet and finely nuanced celebration. In Iaşi I felt closer than elsewhere to the ideal place where everyone would like to spend their life. There was, in this royal city, enveloped in the melancholy of unbearably grand memories, more wit and more worship of all things intellectual than in any other Romanian centre…”
Gala Galaction – “Iaşii-precum erau”
For more information about the city you are invited to visit the official website of the Touristic Information Center of Iaşi.
- “Journées de la Francophonie”: end of March
- The National Book Fare: 21–25 April
- Romanian-French Music Festival (“Fête de la musique”): May
- “Cucuteni 5000” – Ceramics Fair: end of May/beginning of June and 12-15 October
- The Beer Festival: 12-15 June
- The Romanian Folk Music Festival for Children “Catalina”: July or August
- The Fashion Week: October
- The City of Iasi Festival (St. Parascheva Days, the patron saint of Iasi) – Religious and Cultural Festivities: 8 – 15 October
- “Dies Academicus” of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University: 26 October (conferences, symposia, etc.)
- “Unifest”, Students’ Festival: 8-14 November
You may want visit the most important monuments of art in Iasi, as well as the most important religious sites. Iasi is extremely rich in religious monuments of all ages, from the Middle Ages (the ‘embroidered’ Church of the Three Hierarchs) to the modern times (the Metropolitan Church).
You may also want to visit the beautiful sites around the city (Ciric lake and forest; Birnova, Bucium and Poieni Forests).
But most of all, make sure to take a trip to the famous chain of monasteries in Northern Moldavia. Most of them are painted monasteries dating back to the 15th – 16th centuries. To give just a few examples:
- the Monastery of Voronet is unique in the world due to the mysterious origin of its deep-blue colour and to the painting of the “Last Judgement” on its western exterior wall;
- the Monastery of Putna has a powerful symbolical meaning for the Romanian people because it was built by the most famous Moldavian ruler, Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great), whose grave is also at Putna;
- the Monasteries of Sucevita, Moldovita, Dragomirna, Arbore, Bistrita, Agapia, Varatec and many othersare all beautifully-painted unique monuments of art and religion.
International Association of Students in Economics and Management |
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National Association of Students in Administrative Sciences |
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Association of Students and Graduates of the Faculty of Phylosophy in Iaşi |
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Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe |
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Association des Etudiants Francophones de Iaşi |
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Association of Students in Computer Science in Iaşi |
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Association of Students in Journalism in Iaşi |
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Association of Students and Graduates in Social Work, Iaşi |
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The European Law Students’ Association, Iași |
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League of Students in Geography and Geology |
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Organization of Students in European Studies, Iaşi |
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European Association of Students in Public Relations and Communication, Iaşi Branch |
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Association of Young Romanian Echologists, Iaşi |
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Student Association ”Society for Psychology” |
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Gipsy Eye
Gipsy Eye Association of Rroma Students |
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ISACA Student Group
Information Systems Audit and Control Association Student Group – ISG |
An Insurance policy covering the entire period of the study mobility in Iași is required. / European Health Insurance Card (applicable only for EU citizens).
Accommodation form (click here to download)
Accommodation for international students is available upon request on campus in:
Photo gallery
Location: Titu Maiorescu campus, . 7-9, Titu Maiorescu street, 700461, Iași
Accommodation cost: approx. 90 euros/month
Places are available in triple rooms, which are fully furnished and equipped with a refrigerator. Each room has a private bathroom and access to Internet. On each floor there is a kitchen equipped with gas-stoves and ovens. On-campus laundry service is available in the C7 student residence.
Virtual tour
Location: Codrescu campus, 1, Codrescu street, Iași 700479
Accommodation cost: approx. 130 euros/monthPlaces are available in double rooms (fully furnished, including a TVset and a refrigerator); each room has a private bathroom and a little balcony. On each floor there is a kitchen equipped with gas-stoves and ovens. International guests can also have breakfast and lunch at the Gaudeamus Restaurant.
Access to the Internet is made available (using an internet cable from the socket to the laptop).
Laundry can be done at request and free-of-charge.
- An Accommodation Agreement is to be signed shortly upon arrival (for this, a copy of the passport and a passport-sized photo are required).The accommodation fee is to be paid after arrival (no down payment is necessary).
- The student residences provide: pillow, duvet, bed sheets; they do not provide: towels, hair dryer, electric kettle, cutlery, plates, pans and pots.
- The International Relations Office cannot provide support in finding a private accommodation in the city or recommend international students a real estate agency.
Non-EU citizens need to apply for a long-stay visa (D/SD) for studies, the only type of visa allowing students to apply for the residence permit.
IMPORTANT! The long-stay visa for studies covers a total of 90 days of legal stay in Romania. The process of getting the visa lasts for about a month, on condition that the application file is complete.
In order for Non-EU students to extend the temporary residence right, within 30 to 60 days upon their arrival in Iasi, they have to apply for the residence permit.
Information available at:
IMPORTANT! The application for the residence permit requires a proof of the students’ means of subsistence for the entire period of their mobility in Iasi (the student is required to provide a bank statement certifying (s)he has an account open at a Romanian bank and (s)he has around 3225 Euros/semester).
Fees to be paid for the residence permit are around 175 euros.
EU citizens whose mobilities at UAIC are longer than 6 months, need to register their stay in Romania General Inspectorate for Immigrations, Iaşi.
Information available at: