Registration at the Faculty
Upon arrival, at the beginning of the academic year (in October) or at the beginning of the second semester (in February) you are registered temporarily, for one or two semesters, at the faculty that has an Erasmus bilateral agreement with your home faculty. The following documents are required:
- your Transcript of Records from your home faculty;
- your Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies signed by: the ECTS coordinators of your home faculty and university; by the ECTS coordinator of your host faculty, and by the ECTS institutional coordinator of UAIC;
- a copy of the first page of your passport/ID card;
- two ID photos.
After registration you receive:
- a student ID card (carnet de student) that is valid only for your Erasmus study period. The student card may be required in the University or in any other institution where student identity needs to be proved. You must use your student card during the session of exams, when each professor will write down, under signature, the grade you obtained in his/her exam.
- a travel card (legitimaţie de transport) that you can use when you buy train tickets and season tickets for buses/trams/trolley-buses. By showing your student travel card you can have a 50%-discount of the price of these tickets.
The faculty that registers you must provide you with the same study conditions as for Romanian students: access to libraries, laboratories, reading rooms, Internet rooms. During your study mobility at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, you have the same rights and obligations as the other students of the university, except the right to receive Romanian government scholarships.