Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi launches the contest for the following available academic and research positions:
- Teaching Assistant
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
- Scientific Researcher, 1st degree
- Scientific Researcher, 3rd degree
1). The available positions were published by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports in the Official Journal of Romania no. 237, part III, dated 16.07.2012, in accordance with the Government Decision no. 457/ 2011 on the frame methodology for the contest for available didactic and research positions in higher education and with the„Methodology for the Contests for Didactic and Research Positions at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi”, modified and updated on the minimal standards for positions of professor and associate professor, as approved by the University Senate decision no 2, dated 26.01.2012.
2). The list of available positions, published by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports in the Official Journal of Romania no. 237, part III, dated 16.07.2012, is posted on, the „employment” section, and it is part of this announcement (Annex 1 – Available positions).
3). The contest calendar is detailed in Annex 2 – The Contest Calendar and it is posted on, the „employment” section
4). The application file, according to the „Methodology for the Contests for Didactic and Research Positions at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi”, includes:
a) Registration form, (according to Annex 3 – Methodology), signed by the candidate, including a statement of truth for the data within the application file;
b) A proposal for the development of one’s own academic carreer, in maximum 10 pages;
c) A Curriculum vitae; both in electronic and paper version;
d) A list of publishes works; both in electronic and paper version;
e) A self-evaluation sheet, in accordance with the general university standard sheet (according to Annex 3 – Methodology); electronic version;
f) A sheet on the university’s minimal field standards (for all available positions), according to Annex 2 – Methodology; both in electronic and paper version;
g) An authenticated copy of the PhD diploma, awarded in the same field as that of the position which the candidate applies for; should the Phd diploma be awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the recognition certificate is required;
h) The habilitation certificate, for the position of university professor;
i) An original certificate issued by the doctoral school, certifying the statute of Phd candidate in a field which is compatible with the one of the position the candidate applies for and the duration of studies, for the candidates for a definite period position of teaching assistant;
j) An abstract of maximum one page, both in Romanian and an international language, of the PhD or the habilitation thesis;
k) A statement of the candidate on the incompatibility situations forseen by Law no 1/2011 (according to Annex 4 – Methodology);
l) The authenticated copy of the habilitation certificate, for the positions of university professor and 1st degree scientific researcher;
m) copies of other degrees certifying the candidates’ studies;
n) A copy of the degree for a 2-year didactic master’s or copy of the certificate of attendance of the psycho-pedagogical module;
o) A copy of the identity card, passport or other identity paper equivalent to the identity card; p) Copies of the papers certifying the change of names, if necessary;
q) The blessing of the local hierarch, for the candidates at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Roman-Catholic Theology;
r) Maximum 10 published works, invention certificates or other papers, selected by the candidate and considered to be relevant for candidate’s own professional achievements.
- Each file will include a CD/DVD with the following files: CV, list of papers, self-evaluation sheet (according to Annex 1 – Methodology), a sheet on the university’s minimal field standards (according to Annex 2-Methodology).
5). Detailed information on: the description of the available academic positions, the activies specific to each position, the minimum salary for the position at the time of the employment, the bibliography for the contest, the description of the contest procedure is posted on, the „employment” section.
6) . The selection committees are formed according to the attached decisions (Annex 4 – selection committees for positions of teaching assistant and assistant professor; Annex 5- selection committees for positions of professor and associate professor)
7). Registration starts on July 16, 2012, the date when the list of available positions was publishe in teh Official Journal of Romania no 237, part III, and it ends 15 days before the first assessment, on August 31, 2012.
8). Application files will be submitted to Mrs. Tița LARIE, head of office of the Personnel and Professional Development Office, either in person or by post, to: Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Corp „J”, etaj 1, Serviciul Personal şi Dezvoltare Profesională.B-dul Carol I, nr. 11.