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Faculty of Computer Science


22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO — 700505
Telephone: +40 232 20 1090; 20 1091
Fax: + 40 232 20 1490

Dean: Associate Professor PhD Adrian IFTENE

Teaching staff
Associate teaching staff


  • Department of Computer Science


 Bachelor degree

  • Computer Science
    • Computer Science
    • Computer Science (in English)

Master degree

  • Computer Science
    • Software Engineering (in English)
    • Distributed Systems (in English)
    • Information Security (in English)
    • Computational Optimization (in English)
    • Computational Linguistics (in English)
    • Advanced Studies in Computer Science  (in English)

Doctoral School

  • Computer Science

ECTS Study Guide

 About the faculty

Established in 1992 as the only faculty of IT in Romania, the curricula of the Faculty of Computer Science are comparable to and compatible with those of well-established universities in the domain, aimed at providing future graduates with adequate knowledge in the up-to-date IT topics.

Besides the main syllabus, the faculty also offers a wide range of optional courses, created thinking of the future: IOS and Android Programming, Smart Cards and applications, Logical or Rule-based Functional Programming, Cloud Computing, Game Design & Development, Arduino, Codes and Cryptography, Genetic Algorithms or Embedded Systems.

Starting 2015, several BA programmes are also offered in English, and the students in this domain develop increased adaptability in the international computer science environment  after graduation. Besides a varied series of lectures and seminars, the alternative educational offer also includes either conferences traditionally organized by the faculty, or by the students’ association and IT partner companies in Iași.  partners in the community of IT companies in Iași.

All courses and related activities draw on of  the faculty staff’s research activities, conducted within the frameworks of the Applied Distributed Systems Group, Natural Language Processing, Web Technologies, Evolutionary Computing, Formal Methods in Software Engineering, Combinatorial Optimization, Cryptography and Information Security.

The collaboration with important universities in Europe and worldwide (Canada, USA, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea), prior to the faculty establishment, is permanently improved, and every year the list of educational and research partners adds new important universities and renowned research centers.

As early as the first year, students are encouraged and supported by both faculty and IT partnercompanies to participate in various contests and competitions, in either algorithmics, programming, web technologies, or mathematics. IT students have always had good results at many of these competitions, often winning top positions.

The Faculty of Computer Science  develops a successful partnership with industrial organizations such as Adobe, Amazon, Continental, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, BitDefender, Centric, Code40, Ditech, East Vision Systems, Embarcadero, Endava, Gemini CAD Systems, Levi9, Ness, Pentalog, Premium Software, Red Point, RomSoft. SCC, SoftVision, Synygy, Unicredit, Xerox, Yonder. These collaborations, in particular those with GeminiCAD Systems, Amazon, Bitdefender and Aqua Soft, allowed in 2016 the faculty to be equipped with new laboratories with a very pleasant and stimulating working environment.

Considered the most collaborative university centre in the country in relation to the IT industry, the Faculty of Computer Science within  Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi offers courses developed in partnership with the IT companies in response to their needs, internships for students, scientific events organized with the support of industrial partners.

See the Virtual Tour

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