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Faculty of Biology


Address: 22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO 700505
Telephone: + 40 232 20 1072; 20 1073
Fax: + 40 232 20 1472
Dean: Professor PhD habil. Marius ȘTEFAN

Teaching staff
Associate teaching staff


  •   Department of Biology


Bachelor’s degree (6 semesters)

  • Biology
    • Biology
    • Biochemistry
  • Environment Sciences
    • Ecology and Environmental Protection

Undergraduate ECTS Study Guide

Master’s Degree (4 semesters)

  • Biology
    • Microbial and cell biotechnology
    • Molecular genetics
    • Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Environment Sciences
    • Environmental counselling

Master ECTS Study Guide

Doctoral School

  •  Biology

Postgraduate studies

  •  Biology

About the faculty

Biology is today one of the sciences at the centre of most heated scientific debates; it is, at the same time, a domain where the future is shaped. “Green” energies, environment and biodiversity protection, bio-markers and bio-indicators, pollution and its correction within the context of sustainable development, “bio” products and nano-materials, an understanding of life up to the molecular level, biochemistry, genetics and genetic engineering are topics we hear about every day – and they are all addressed by programmes within the Faculty of Biology.

The faculty was created in 1860, at the same time with the other core faculties in the University. Its strong tradition that has fostered well established schools of thought in the domain along the time, and the faculty honours its legacy, and at the same time diversifies its teaching and research interests. Fundamental research in the fields of animal and plant taxonomy and anatomy, genetics, plant and animal physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology etc. harmoniously combine with applied research in the fields of bio- and nano-technologies, environmental protection, biological and integrated plant pest control, phytoremediation etc. The faculty has modern laboratories for monitoring and diagnosing water quality, confocal and electronic microscopy, molecular genetics and testing of biologically active molecules, microbiology, bio-archeology and ecotoxicology. The study and research facilities of the faculty also include a large herbarium, as well as invaluable collections of invertebrate and vertebrate animals.

A genuinely “green faculty”, the Faculty of Biology appeals to its students and researchers to learn from nature in the middle of nature, in practice and research facilities outside Iaşi city: at the “Ioan Borcea” Marine Biological Resort at Agigea, on the Black Sea coast, where field applications and research in the Danube Delta are conducted, in the nature reserves in Dobrogea; at the “Petre Jitariu” Biological Resort at, on the strand of Izvorul Muntelui Lake from Bicaz, which includes a modern laboratory for water quality assessment through biomarkers and from where research expeditions can be organized into Ceahlău National Park and in the natural reserves at Cheile Bicazului – Lacul Roşu, Cheile Şugăului, Vânători Natural Park; also at the Research Resort for Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecology from Iaşi, where interdisciplinary research is conducted, that focuses mainly on aquaculture biotechnology. In addition, students and teaching staff have access to the material and experimental facilities and to the collections from the “Anastasie Fătu” Botanical Garden.

Within the European programmes, the faculty collaborates  with well-established faculties in universities from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden etc. The faculty and its international partners organize annual summer schools for Romanian and foreign students in the field of Limnology.

See the Virtual Tour

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