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JASSY Summer School at UAIC — Building on Tradition, Nurturing Innovation

As of 2018, UAIC has broadly expanded its existing summer educational offer.


With its 50-year old tradition, the Summer School Romania – Language and Civilization organized annually at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is undoubtedly one of its true staples. Aside from socializing within an engaging international academic community, over time, hundreds of students from a culturally eclectic pool of countries have had the opportunity to attend interactive courses on the Romanian language, but also on the country’s culture and society.

Just to name a few activities of these summer courses, one can join workshops on traditional Romanian dancing (and actually learn how to dance!) and pottery-making, or visit the famous monasteries from the cultural area around Iasi. Some of the attendees hold scholarships offered by the Romanian Government, while others cover their own participation costs.

UAIC also offers a number of scholarships to students coming from universities from the Coimbra Group and Utrecht Network, as well as from other partner institutions. The 51st edition of the Summer School Romania – Language and Civilization will be held in July 2023. If you wish to find out more on this Summer School, you are invited to visit the webpage You could also write an email to or call +40 232 20 10 22.

Numerous domain-focused Summer Schools are organized every year at UAIC, be them in Law, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Philosophy etc. They do not offer credits and are not dealt with here, but if you are interested, please check the UAIC web page at


Widening its summer educational scope through JASSY Summer School (a Journey through life and hArd sciences, economicS, Social sciences or the tourism industrY), our university offers 6 different modules. More specifically, since 2018 UAIC has been welcoming participants interested in learning and acquiring (ECTS) credits in Life, Hard Sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities, Finance and Risk Management, Strategic Human Resource Management or Tourism (the latter, to be pursued both as an academic and leisure preoccupation). JASSY, with its diverse courses and activities, is targeted toward participants who desire to gain valuable knowledge on a specific topic from those enumerated above or even to pick up a new skill, such as kayaking, tour guiding or sky map reading. General inquiries:

UAIC facts and figures

  • Founded in 1860, UAIC is the first modern University in Romania
  • Internationalization: the leading Romanian University and top 2% in Europe in student exchange
  • 600+ partner universities from 70 countries
  • Overall ranking: top 5 Romanian University
  • 15 Faculties
  • 89 Bachelor programs (including programs in foreign languages)
  • 129 Master programs (including programs in foreign languages)
  • 27 PhD programs
  • Over 24.000 students
  • 245 Degrees in the 3 cycles (Bachelor, Master, PhD)