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Libraries in Iaşi

Learning Facilities

All students registered at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University can have access to the University libraries and to other libraries in Iasi.

The Central University Library (Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Mihai Eminescu”)

4 Pacurari Street,, tel. 0040-232-264245, e-mail:

Access to the library services is possible based on the entrance permit (which is also valid for the library branches). Permits can be obtained from the Permits Office, the Central Library building, ground floor. Necessary documents:

  • student card or certificate
  • ID card
  • a small-size photo.

Central University Library branches

  • Biology: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 1st floor, room B-459; e-mail:, tel.: 201473
  • Physics and Chemistry: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A ground floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201151
  • Geography and Geology: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 3rd floor; e-mail: * Computer Science: 16 General Berthelot Str., Building C ground floor; e-mail:
  • Mathematics: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B ground floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201561
  • “Al. Myller” Mathematical Seminary: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A; e-mail:
  • Law: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A 2nd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201159
  • History: 11 Bd. Carol I, Building A 2nd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201157
  • Letters: 14 Codrescu Str. (Codrescu Campus); tel. 116600
  • Economical Sciences: 16 General Berthelot Str., Building C 3rd floor; e-mail:, tel.: 201452
  • The on-line library of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: 20A Bd. Carol I, Building B 1st floor, room 401
  • Philosophy: 11 Lapusneanu Str. (near Casa Studentilor); tel.: 201155
  • Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education and Sport: 3 Toma Cozma Str., Building D ground floor; tel.: 201127
  • Orthodox Theology: 9 Closca Str., Building T ground floor

Other libraries in Iasi

  • Romanian Academy Library: 8 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 267584
  • Gheorghe Asachi Public Library of Iasi: 4 Palat Str., tel./fax: 212773
  • French Cultural Centre: 26 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 267637, fax: 211026
  • British Council: 4 Pacurari Str., tel./fax: 316159
  • German Cultural Centre: 21 Bd. Carol I, tel.: 214051

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