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Facilities for Special Needs Students

Facilities for Special Needs Students

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University promotes student equality by providing certain facilities for students with special needs. International students with special needs are invited to contact the Department for International Relations well in advance so the necessary arrangements can be made upon arrival. IR Staff can also refer you to other student services which provide information on educational programmes for people with disabilities and ongoing illnesses.


All students can make use of available counselling provided by the our Centre for Information and Career Orientation (address: Complex Studenţesc Codrescu, Str. Gh. Asachi nr. 7, Student Residence C11, 1st floor, rooms 28, 29, 52, 53, Iaşi 700843, Tel: 004 0232 201576, 0040 232 201579, Fax: 0040 232 201576) throughout the academic year. The student counselling services are adapted to the individual needs of students with difficulties.

Practical support

The University has been constantly improving the accessibility of its premises by installation of new elevators, barrier-free accesses in order to have well-equipped and flexible designed environment for special needs students. Almost all University buildings have elevators, being equipped with handrails and platforms.


The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports supports students with special needs registered at our University. Its specialists in Kinetotherapy and Special Motricity develop both programmes of recovery and programmes of social (re)integration (through therapeutic dance, collective sports adjusted to various disabilities, etc.). If you are interested to participate in one of these activities you may write to Cristina Zaharia or Marius Neculaes or dial 0040 232 201132. It will also offer you an opportunity to exchange views with fellow-students on ways of dealing with disabilities when studying. The group is always open to new members.

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