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The JASSY journey went on … online – 3rd edition of the Interdisciplinary Summer School of UAIC

In the context of the current pandemic situation, the 3rd edition of the JASSY Summer School was held online by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, between 6 and 17 July 2020.

The 56 candidates who registered for JASSY came from 12 countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova and Romania.  The JASSY participants attended the courses of the following modules:

  • Eastern European Perspectives, EEP coordinator: Prof.dr. Daniela Șoitu
  • Finance and Risk Management, coordinator: Assoc.Prof.dr. Silviu Ursu
  • Strategic Human Resource Management, SHRM coordinator:  Lecturer dr. Carmen Claudia Aruștei
  • Tourism at the Eastern Border of the EU. Interdisciplinary Training Tour Guides, TTG coordinator: Lecturer dr. Mihai Bulai

The course packages offered within the JASSY modules have provided the grounds for participants to acquire knowledge about HR processes and organizational strategy (SHRM) or about the management of various types of organizational risks (FRM), to gain a deeper insight into the characteristics of the Eastern European culture (EEP) or to identify and bring into play some of the building blocks of what makes a great tour guide, through an interdisciplinary approach (TTG).

The JASSY programme encompassed lectures, workshops, tutorials, practical activities such as case studies and team projects, as well as an online assessment session.

During this year’s edition, the participants have also enjoyed a wide variety of formative, educational and socio-cultural extracurricular activities, held entirely online: virtual guided tours of the university and the city, virtual site visit of landmarks in Iași which allowed participants to `step` inside historical buildings and museums in real time, Romania wine producing regions and wine tasting techniques, essentials of customer psychological profiles, online quizzes and contests.


I enjoyed the JASSY online summer school very much. The lectures were interesting and I was able to gain a new perspective on many topics. The afternoon activities were entertaining. I would highly recommend this summer school.

Ronja Reichert, Germania, JASSY 2020, modul EEP


Although this year’s edition was online and I guess it’s very challenging to organize it, I enjoyed it, I learned new things and I also made new friends. It was an overall great experience and I hope to participate next year again!

Alexander Dimitrov, Bulgaria, JASSY 2020, participant in the FRM module


My experience was amazing, exceptional, with interactive methods of learning and real professionals.

Amalia Revenco, Republica Moldova, JASSY 2020, participant in the TTG module


Enjoyable studying and meeting new interesting people from different countries. The TTG module helped me gain a deeper understanding of the tourism sphere, not only in terms of its economic development, but also as a very huge domain of activity.

Ana Crijevitchi, Republica Moldova, JASSY 2020, participant in the TTG module


I thought it was very professional, the lecturers had a great amount of knowledge and it helped me further in my career choice.

Laura Noelke, Germania, JASSY 2020, participant in the SHRM module