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Partners’ selection for European projects


POSDRUIn accordance to the regulations imposed by O.U.G. 64/2009 and it revisions, approved by the Law 362/2009 and the Methodological principles for applying the OUG 64/2009 approved by Governmental Decision no. 218/201, regarding the financial handling of the structural instruments and their usage for achieving the convergence objective, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, address Str. Toma Cozma nr. 3, 700554, Iaşi, România, announces the selection procedure for closing Partnership Agreements necessary in applying financing requests for the following projects:
/br> For DL – Training in Digital Learning, Strategic POSDRU, DMI 1.1 – Access to quality initial education and training DarPS – Development, Articulation and Reconstruction in Social Pedagogy, Grant POSDRU, DMI 1.2 – Quality in academic education
ExPED – Practice exercise and guided education, Grant POSDRU, DMI 2.1 – Transition from school to active life General requirements that should be fulfilled by our partner in order to be selected in view of closing the partnership for applying the financing requests for the future European projects are specified in the AMPOSDRU guides: Beneficiary’s guide – General and Specific conditions (particular for each financing line).
The activities that will make the object of the project developed in partnerships are the eligible activities indicated in the Beneficiary’s guide but also transversal activities, meaning the management of the project, purchase, specific measures for information and publicity. The guides for each financing line are available for download at

The institutions that are interested to participate at the selection procedure will send an official letter of intent by indicating „For the partners selection aiming the project…” at the siege of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Str. Toma Cozma no. 3, 700554, Iaşi, Iaşi county, România, or by e-mail at:, until 5.07.2013
The eligible partnership proposals will be selected and approved based on the succession of their receipt. The selected partners will be contacted directly and the final list will be published on the official website of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi.