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Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences


3, Toma Cozma Str., Iaşi RO – 700554
Telephone: +40 232 20 1028
Fax: +40 232 21 0660

Dean: Associate Professor PhD Ștefan BONCU

Teaching staff
Associate teaching staff


  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Education Sciences
  • Department of Training for Educational Staff


Bachelor’s Degree (6 semesters)

  • Psychology
    • Psychology
  • Education Sciences
    • Pedagogy
    • Special Psychopedagogy
    • Pre-school and Primary Education Pedagogy
    • Social Pedagogy

Master’s Degree (4 semesters)

  • Psychology
    • Staff Evaluation, Training and Psychological Counseling
    • Educational Psychology and Counseling
    • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    • Interdisciplinary Degree in Advanced Research in Social Sciences
  •  Education Sciences
    • Diagnosis and Intervention for Persons with Special Needs
    • Education Policies and Management
    • Applied Teaching for Primary Education
    • Early Education

Doctoral School (6 semesters)

  • Psychology
  • Education Sciences

ECTS Study Guide Bachelor Programs

ECTS Study Guide Master Programs

 About the faculty

The beginning of higher education in psychology in Iași precedes the creation of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. Psychology was among the philosophical subjects taught at “Academia Mihăileană” and the “Socola” Seminary.

Unanimously appreciated for its social psychology school, its orientation towards the clinical domain, psychotherapy, and for the promotion of educational research, the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences provides a research basis with many well equipped laboratories and specialized instruments.

Moreover, a number of research projects on topics such as personality psychology, social psychology, relevant driving behaviour psychology, moral judgements psychology, scholar performance psychology, psychopedagogical assistance for students with social and financial difficulties and for those with special needs, have been conducted within the faculty in the past years.

There are two research centres that function within the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences: one in Psychology and the other in Education Sciences, where teachers, PhD candidates and MA students participate in research activities. The former comprises several research laboratories such as: Hypnosis, Emotion & Cognition Lab, Traffic Participant Psychology Lab, Risk, Resilience & Social Contexts Lab, Clinical Human Sciences Lab, Motivation, Self & Well-being Lab, Well-being, Stress & Resilience Lab, Social Psychology & Interdisciplinary Studies “Adrian Neculau” Laboratory. The latter research laboratory includes the Historical and Philosophical Perspectives in Education Lab, Learning Training and Professional Development Lab, Skills Management Lab, Fundamental and Applied Research in Special Education Lab, Didactics and early Education Lab, Interculturalism Migration and Education Lab, Education and Technology Lab.

The students and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences are the direct beneficiaries of an investment  and of an ample research project  through which  a e-learning platform is made available. Blackboard Academic Suite Platform allows quick access to lecture notes, conversations between colleagues, students and professors on various topics, the personalized follow-up of each student’s academic route, the completion of online seminars and lectures.

The partnerships with well-established faculties in Europe offer both students and the teaching staff the possibility to go on academic exchanges within the Erasmus programmes to countries such as Spain, France, Germany, Finland, Belgium, Holland etc.

After graduation, students can become specialists in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Educational Psychology, Labour and Services Psychology or Counseling Psychologists in companies. Also, they can be employed in Educational sciences as teachers, educational teachers (counsellors), speech therapists, psycho-pedagogy teachers for special education, teachers for preschool and primary school.

See the Virtual Tour

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