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Center for European Studies


19 Boulevard Carol I -700505, Romania, (Building I)
Telephone/Fax: +40 232 20 1318

Teaching staff: 7

ECTS Study Guide

Director, Coordinator Education Programmes

Professor PhD Gabriela Carmen PASCARIU
Telephone: +40 232  20 1376
Field of research: integration economy, regional economy and European regional policy.

Master’s Degree

  • European Studies
  • Regional Development
  • European studies and eastern neighbourhood of the European Union (in English)

About the Center for European Studies

The Center for European Studies (CES) was created in 2000, through the EU’s PHARE Romania programme (RO – 9706-01-02), as an inter-faculty department. In 2017, CES was affiliated to the Faculty of Law, as an interdisciplinary department (Economics, Law, History, Political and Administrative Sciences, Geography, Social Sciences) with the aim of organizing educational, research, vocational training, documentation/ information programs, in fields related to European Studies and regional development, in collaboration with other faculties of the university.

Promoting the European Studies as a multi- and inter-disciplinary field of education and research, CES develops along three strategic action lines:

  •    the initiation and development of the educational and vocational training programs in fields which are specific to European Studies and regional development;
  •    the development of research and consultancy on priority topics of interest at European level and of specific interest for the North-Eastern Region (combining university’s resources and research potential in multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary projects);
  •    the dissemination of knowledge about the EU and the institutio-nalization of the ideas of affiliation to the European civilization, in the university or in society.

To achieve this, the Center organizes interdisciplinary and specialized MA programmess, optional Jean Monnet lectures and short-term postgraduate lectures (Project Manager, Projects Assessor, European Funding Expert, Trainer), conducts research and offers consultancy in the field of European Studies, it is involved in national and international programs of cooperation in education and research, promotes the dissemination of information about Europe, the debate and the dialogue on Europe and the accession through conferences, seminars and specialized publications.

The priority research areas promoted within the CES, are: European economy, regional development and convergence, international economy and affairs, governance systems and European policies, international relations.

The educational programmes of the CES have the advantage of correlating a specialization following a BA program and an interdisciplinary vocational training in European studies, which broadens, through the acquired competences, the opportunities of insertion on the labour market, both in the public and private sector, such as: European institutions and bodies, central and local public administration, law and home affairs, cultural, research and educational institutions, mass-media, non-governmental organizations, European companies, consulting firms, and European program management, bodies involved in the implementation of European policies.

Since 2009, the CES has been recognized as a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and since 2008 it has been coordinating the activity of the University’s Jean Monnet European Documentation Center. It is part of the Jean Monnet network, the Europe Direct network, the Team Europe network, the North East REGIO communications network and the North East innovation network. It is a member of: the Regional Studies Association, the European Consortium for Political Research, the Partnership for Peace Consortium, and the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies.

CES received the Excellence Award of the European Institute of Romania for Research and Training in European Affairs from the European Institute of Romania (2012) and the Excellence Award Start 2020 awarded by the North-East Development Agency (2014).

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