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Strategic Human Resource Management

An international approach for aspiring HR professionals or future managers and leaders


This is a 2-week module offered by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi within the JASSY Summer School. The module aims at initiating trainees in Strategic Human Resource Management field, providing them with a compact, yet comprehensive approach. Lot of debate was made on recognising human resource management (HRM) function as a strategic partner. Most of the companies finally gave HR function the credits desired. It is time for HR professionals to prove the impact they can have on organizational performance. In these critical times, it is the strategy of human resource management that can help organizations to rebuild, putting both the employees’ and the business’ wealth at the core of the strategy.

By taking this course, you will gain knowledge about the strategic role of HRM in modern organizations. Upon completion, you will be aware of what it should be taken into account when generating a strategic view of HR. Also, you will be able to understand and analyze the link between HR strategy and organizational strategy, as well as set up HR processes – attracting candidates, recruitment and selection, development, performance management, engagement, employees’ well-being – aligned to the business strategy.

Number of contact hours: 40

Assessment method(s):case studies and essay

Contact (module coordinator): Lecturer Carmen Claudia Aruștei, PhD. (



Lectures(L) and workshops(W)

Fundamentals of Strategic Human Resource Management

  • Introduction to HRM field. HR Challenges and Trends (L)
  • HR as Business Partner. The need for a strategic approach (L & W)
  • The building blocks of Employer Branding (Company Guest)
  • Linking recruitment and selection process with organizational outcomes (L&W)
  • Growing people for achieving organizational performance (L&W)
  • Performance management and reward systems (L&W)
  • Employee engagement and employees’ well-being (L & W)
  • Diversity and Inclusion Management (L&W)


  • Case study analysis (team based)
  • Essay presentations (individual based)
  • Personal development workshop
  • Visits to companies and/or invited guest speakers from companies in Iasi

 At SHRM module we seek to learn while having fun and make memories.