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Medals for Computer Science students

Six student teams from the Computer Science Faculty were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the Online Math Olympiad organized by Ariel University Center of Samara, Israel. Under the coordination of professor Florin Iacob, three teams have been awarded gold medals, two teams – silver medals and one team, a bronze medal after the „blitz” test of the competition, where the speed and the accuracy of some solutions for Mathematical problems are scored.

The contest took place in December and the students had four hours to propose solutions for eight Math problems.

The winning teams are the following:

Gold Medal

Huțanu Dan-Constantin (captain, Ist year)
Tudorache Adriana-Denisa,
Ifrim Oana,
Barcan Virgil-Gheorghe;

Iordache Iustin-Ionuț (captain, Ist year)
Vlas Cătălin
Hreapcă Aurelian
Berendea Nicolae

Laic Andreea-Alice (captain, Ist year)
Gherasim Lavinia-Maria
Oniciuc Oriana-Maria
Cazacu Bogdan

Silver Medal

Silion Dragoș (captain, Ist year)
Pădurariu Constantin-Cristian,
Costandache Șerban-Valeriu
Ioja Petru-Alexandru

Spînu Dacian-Ştefan (captain, Ist year)
Perju Andrei-Constantin
Turnea Diana
Manea Petru-Mircea

Bronze Medal

Hîj Lucian (captain, Ist year)
Bodnar Adrian

Ungurean Ioan
Daradici Ana-Maria

”Beginning with the first edition we participated at, in 2008, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University students have constantly been winnining medals at the Math Olympiad”  prof. PhD Florin Iacob from the Computer Science Faculty declared.

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