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Internet Facilities

ACCESS TO INTERNET in the C5 student residence

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is an EDUROAM enabled location (a roaming service used in most of the universities from EU countries, but also outside the EU). International students from universities who already have access to EDUROAM should connect to the EDUROAM guest network available in the C5 residence and use the password they have previously set in order to connect. This way, they will get easy access to WiFi (EDUROAM authentication is automatic).

For a step-by-step EDUROAM connection tutorial, please click here.

International students who DO NOT use EDUROAM should follow the steps described in our university’s internal registration procedure.

Please click here to see the connection steps. 

Given that being granted access may take around 24 hours, you may want to start the registration process before your arrival in Iasi. The network configuration step is to be done only after your actual arrival in the C5 residence.

Please note that, throughout their visit at UAIC, all our guests (students, researchers and staff alike) are compelled to use the university’s logistics and infrastructure for educational purposes exclusively, in accordance with our applicable internal procedures.

In Gaudeamus Centre for International Exchanges, free-of-charge internet connection can be provided in each room.

Almost all faculties have computer rooms, where students can have free-of-charge access to Internet. It is possible to use these computers only based on the student card, which proves that the student is registered at the respective faculty.

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