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First FP7-ESF-COST project coordinated by Romania

Professor PhD Liliana Mitoseriu, from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s Faculty of Physics won the first European COST project coordinated by Romania. The project, entitled “SINGLE- AND MULTIPHASE FERROICS AND MULTIFERROICS WITH RESTRICTED GEOMETRIES (SIMUFER)” has 20 stakeholder countries, out of which 18 are members of the UE. Apart from the specific scientific activities, the SIMUFER network will finance special actions dedicated to young researchers (basic training, advanced training, summer schools, research internships, workshops, conferences, joint PhD degrees, post-doc internships).

FP7-ESF-COST (European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) is an European instrument initiated in 1971 (to which Romania is affiliated since 1997) that supports scientific and technical cooperation of European researchers in 10 key scientific fields ( The project coordinated by Romania is included in the MPNS field – Materials, Physical and Nanosciences.

Professor Liliana Mitoseriu leads the Dielectric, Feroelectric and Multiferoic Materials group, ackowledged internationally in the field of Materials Physics with applications in Microelectronics and belongs to the CARPATH Excellence Centre which was ranked first in the 2008 research centres competition (

The research team also includes: Phd Cristina Ciomaga (Best Doctoral Thesis in Physics Award in 2007), assistant post-graduate Lavinia Curecheriu (national representative at the European Ceramic Society competition, 4th place in 2009), post-graduate Felicia Prihor (Lot Oriel & Hammatsu Award for one of the best papers at the European Conference on Polar Dielectrics, Rome, 2008), post-graduate Nadejda Horchidan, student Raluca Frunza and student Ioana Chiuchi. In 2009 the group published 9 papers quoted in the ISI system.