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Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași – support and solidarity for the Ukrainian academic communities

Standing in solidarity with Ukraine, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași provides accommodation, meals, medical and psychological counselling to students and university staff from Ukrainian universities. We can accommodate around 100 students, university staff and their families in our university residences and so far we have hosted students and academics coming from Ukraine, some of them transiting Iasi, some staying here for longer (e.g. a group of Tunisian students from Ukraine who stopped in Iasi on their way home).

„We are all facing difficult times and we cannot disregard the tragic condition of our Ukrainian colleagues and students. The academic community of the oldest university in Romania is ready to provide humanitarian support that our neighbors currently need” (Professor PhD Tudorel TOADER, Rector).

A fund-raising campaign was launched and bank accounts for donations are open for both the Romanian and the European community:

  • for RON: RO83RNCB0175145650760001;
  • for Euro: RO76BRDE240SV78361832400.

A collection point for donations for Ukrainian refugees is also operational on campus, for water, supplies and blankets.

Our student community, of both Romanian and Ukrainian students, fully support humanitarian activities of the university, local authorities and the civil society.

The contact details for 24/7 assistance available for all refugees in Iași: