Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is one of the most transparent universities in Romania, being ranked on a foremost position in the Top of Transparent Universities, made public by the Romanian Academic Society. UAIC is one of three higher education institutions that have been graded with 4 stars at the integrity section, on the basis of transparency criteria, administrative and academic correctitude, management and governance. Only two other Romanian universities received the same qualifications: The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu-Mureș and The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj Napoca.
In the Romanian Academic Society report, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași was mentioned as the only Romanian university “which, from the academic correctitude perspective, meets all the requirements for the maximum score”. UAIC is also given as example of good practice for the fight against nepotism, with reference to the Ethics Code recently adopted, which forbids the employment of relatives in the University.
As far as the strong points of UAIC are concerned, in the same report are mentioned the excellent research outcomes, the modern campus and the high-quality services offered to students by the Information Bureau and the Center for Career Information, Orientation and Placement. There have also been appreciated the promptitude with which the demands regarding public information are answered, the update of the news of great interest for the students on the University web pages, academic regulations and the measures against plagiarism.
The classification, published on SAR webpage, has been elaborated according to four main parameters: transparency and administrative correctitude, academic correctitude, governance quality and financial management practices. On these grounds, the universities have been assessed from 0 to 4 star qualifications. The later is explained as follows: “The University has a vibrant academic and scientific environment, where both students and teaching staff are encouraged to perform at a high level. The academic process is correct, the courses, attended by students and teachers alike, are held according to schedule”.