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Faculty of Law


11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO – 700506

Full-time learning:

+40 232 201058
+40 232 201158
Fax: +40 232 201858

Distance learning:

+40 232 201272
Fax: +40 232 201872


Dean: Associate Professor PhD Ioana Maria COSTEA

Teaching staff
Associate teaching staff


  • Department of Law

Center for European Studies


 Bachelor’s Degree (8 semesters)

  • Law
    • Law

Master’s Degree (2-4 semesters)

  • Law
    • European Law
    • European Law (Balti, Republic of Moldova)
    • Business Law
    • Crime Sciences
    • Criminal Law
    • Law Career
    • Special Jurisdictions
  • Economics and International Affairs (Center for European Studies)
    • European Studies
    • Regional Development

Doctoral School:

  • Law

Undergraduate ECTS Study Guide
Master ECTS Study Guide

About the faculty

June 3rd 1830, when the legal counselor and legal expert Christian Flechtenmacher delivered the inaugural lecture in “Law”, marks the beginning of Romanian higher education in the area of law. The faculty’s official act of establishment was to be adopted on October 6th 1855, so that when the University of Iași was founded, the Faculty of Law was the only higher education institution in Romania that already had students registered in all its three years of study and the most numerous teaching staff. The generations of professors at the Faculty of Law have been constantly concerned to build up a group of highly qualified legal experts that could meet the requirements and face the challenges of a state undergoing a process of modernization.

The academic syllabus of the Faculty of Law is adapted to the needs and high standards of contemporary society and the market economy. The BA level is structured in four years of study (full time and distance learning); graduation consists of an exam and the defence of the BA thesis.

The academic activity at the Faculty of Law is organized around courses and seminars, but has also a practical dimension, through institutional partnerships at both national and international level. The Faculty equally supports the actions of the Legal Clinic, the Doctoral School, the scientific circles (criminal law, civil law, civil procedural law) and of various student associations.

The Faculty has carried out several projects with European funding for the benefit of students, young researchers, Ph.D students and post-doctoral students. Communication with the professional environment is constantly achieved through thematic conferences, to which practitioners are also invited. The Faculty has cooperation agreements with the National Institute for the Lawyers’ Training and Development, the Iași Territorial Center for what, in order to organize  conferences, workshops, interactive debates.

The Erasmus Mobility Program is a constant opportunity for students. The Faculty of Law of Iași has developed partnerships with universities of high tradition all over Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Finland, Greece and the Republic of Moldova).

The Faculty of Law graduates can work as magistrates (judges or pro-secutors), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, legal advisors, or in the local or central public administration, as public managers, diplomatic agents at the Ministry of External Affairs, business consultants, specialists in commercial relations or mediators.

See the Virtual Tour

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