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Alexandru Ioan Cuza University students, medalled at the International Online Mathematics Olympics

The team representing Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the IVth edition of the International Online Mathematics Olympics, organized by Ariel University Center of Israel.

The event, which gathered competitors from more than 13 countries, took place between the 14th and 27th of May 2009.

The finals of the Olympics brought to our team, made of 14 students from the Faculty of Computer Science, coordinated by prof. PhD Florin Iacob, a gold medal (won by Pelcu Catalin, 3rd year), three silver medals (won by Bogos Mihaela Sonia – the 2nd year, Rotaru Armand Stefan – 3rd year and Spulber Iosif Daniel – Ist year) and four bronze medals (won by Bozianu Rodica – Ist year, Cosbuc Mircea – Ist year, Baetu Alexandru – the 2nd year and Ciucanu Vasile Radu – the 2nd year)*